Robin Williams and his daughter's death is very sad. Her daughter Zelda name, he has spoken repeatedly since his father's death in August.
Actor and Komedia Robin Williams chose to take his own life at home California at the age of 63.
Ms Williams once told NBC Today Show question why his father committed suicide.
Her daughter said "there will be no point in questioning it .. blame themselves or the world". At the age of 25 year-old daughter said "I will take a lot of work because I want to live a happy life, I think it's important to live happily, I would not be sad because my father is dead".
"Anyone who has ever lost, the person working it will continue to remember in a positive way"
Robin Williams is very famous for films such as Dead Poets, Mrs. Doubtfire and Good Morning Vietnam.
Hummingbird says "Many people feel lost because of absence", and his daughter says "The characters are very he enjoyed was a side of him that people know and love", and everyone knows it's very important bawha laugh.
Her daughter revealed that she has gained from her father robin bird tattoo Williams, the tattoo is on his right hand before his father's death.