Whitney Houston Biography : Whitney Houston a one woman popo star of all time. He is a singer who is very remarkable. Whitney
Houston was the first artist to have seven consecutive singles hit
number one, in 1993 Dolly Parton cover "I Will Always Love You" is one
of the biggest hits in the history of rock music. Houston has jewa urban contemporary with incredible dexterity.Whitney
Elizabeth Houston was born in Newark, New Jersey on August 9, 1963, the
name of her mother Cissy Houston R & B Gospel singer. At the age of 11 years houston featured as a soloist singer in the church choir. Houston began to accompany her mother in concert in 1978 with the name of the album Think It Over, then back to being an artist.In 1985 whitney houston make sensation pop song. Over the years the future make a hit single. The title song "Saving All My Love for You". Houston ever get an award winning hit with the song title was "Saving All My Love for You".In
1992, Whitney Houston topped the world, but her life will be very
complicated because the 1992 Whitney will marry the singer also named R
& B Bobby Brown, a former New Edition. During the three years of their relationship very happy and loving,
but after that their relationship is not filled with affection but
violence in the household.Upon
completion of this personal matter now houston regardless of the
problem, Houston continued to advance in their careers, and managed to
be acting in 1992 with starring opposite Kevin Costner in the very
popular The Bodyguard. Each film Houston released hit singles, creating a sensational sales record for the soundtrack. Never happened Houston never became the biggest hit a record-breaking 14 weeks at the top of the US charts. Houston had also starred in Waiting to Exhale and The Preacher's Wife, whether accompanied by a hit soundtrack as well.Death and Legacyin early 2012 Houston had experienced financial difficulties but Houston has denied the news. In fact Houston ready to progress his career.Whitney Houston died at age 48 on February 11, 2012, in Los Angles on a
Beverly Hilton hotel at the time there was a party being held by Clive
Davis Grammy.With the death world feel lost most legendary star.On
31 January 2015 almost three years with the death of his mother, Bobbi
Kristina was found lying face in the shower at her home Roswell. Once admitted to the North Fulton Hospital, he was finally brought to Emory University Hospital, at that time in a coma.
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